Can veganism and religion co-exist? According to a 2017 survey by the Vegetarian Resource Group,
An upcoming British television series aims to prompt discussions about the ethics of eating animals by confronting
I certainly never identified as an animal lover. My parents gave away our dog shortly
According to a recent study, people of color and low-income Americans are more likely than
What is it about vegans – vegan Millennials in particular – that seems to make
Alexandre Ziegler, the ambassador of France to India, has expressed an interest in turning vegetarian
Do vegan campaigns work to spread a compassionate message? So far, there are no definitive
(Updated April 6, 2020) | Is eating insects the solution for a more ethical and
Vegans, we have a problem. We’re insulting each other, we’re alienating each other, we’re destroying each
An animal rights message is hidden within plain sight of the upcoming summer blockbuster sci-fi film,