Yaas! Flying Goose Sriracha Mayo Now Available At Aldi. And Yes, It’s Vegan!


Here at Live, we’re all about reporting breaking news and discussing hot topics. Whilst we’re not entirely sure you’ll agree this fits into either category, it’s news to us and by it’s very nature, it’s pretty darn hot.

For the most part, hot sauce is vegan (always check the – ?), but mayonnaise is a little trickier to come by. Sure, you can go to grab something from H&B or scope out some weird own-brand goop that spreads like PVA glue. You could even go as far as whipping up your own batch out of chickpea juice (aquafaba or the ‘qua as no one actually calls it), but what if things were different? ….What IF, the title you just read explained everything you already needed to know and now we’ve kind of run out of information?

A little birdie told us she was popping down to Aldi to grab some of this spicy goodness, but after Googling it, it seems as though it was already in Tesco anyway.


This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 6:44 am


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