Daytona Driver Leilani Münter Debuts New ‘Vegan Strong’ Racing Car

Daytona Driver Leilani Münter Debuts New ‘Vegan Strong’ Racing Car

Strong ethical vegan and professional racing car driver, Leilani Münter, is about to debut her brand-new racing car design in Florida at the Daytona Speedweeks. Last year, Münter drove a ‘vegan powered’ car, this year she’s opting for the vegan strong slogan to be exhibited on the front of her vehicle.

Münter studied biology before turning her hand to racing car driving and she is also a keen environmentalist and animal rights activist. The driver has used her sport to communicate many important messages about animal rights and saving the environment, including driving a car with images of the famous SeaWorld expose, Blackfish, on it.

She said in a video for The Atlantic, ‘my cars are just unique in the way that the messages I carry on them are asking people to do something good for our planet and for the animals that we share it with.

She added, ‘I get to see both sides. I live in the world of environmentalists and I also live in the world of racing. I know people have this stereotype of the NASCAR fan with the beer belly and the NASCAR shirt, but I find that the race fans are far more open to these messages than people would think.’


I want to see every race car running on either electricity or renewable bio fuels. Every race track powered with 100% solar or wind. Every race track concession stand offering vegan food to the race fans. I want to see every racing tyre recycled.’

So, watch this space for more vegan activism from the star and in the words of Münter herself, ‘never underestimate a vegan hippie chick with a race car.’

Image Credit: Leilani Münter Instagram