Lush to Launch Subscription Box Service with 100% Vegan Bath Bombs !

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Fuelling the Bath Bomb craze in which they created, Lush Cosmetics, the epicentre of natural beauty, has announced that they will be launching their very own subscription box service!


With the ability to get these treats delivered straight to your door, Lushies will have no chance of curtailing their obsession and we’re pretty sure the majority of the UK will never leave their tubs again (except to greet the postman in a bath robe).

Honestly, is there really anything better than dipping yourself into a hot bath tub after a long day at work, with a glass of wine and a giant fizzy ball of glitter? Nope. Well…actually..doing this with the added comfort that no animals were harmed in the making means the whole scenario just got that little bit more heartwarming. N’aww!
So rest assured, friends, Lush’s Bath Bomb range is currently 100% vegan friendly and as with all their products, not tested on animals. Yay! What a kind glittery God(ess) you are.

Not a fan of bath bombs? (Seriously?), well you’ll be pleased to know that this subscription box isn’t just limited to them – if you are so inclined to do so, you can choose to receive monthly deliveries from any non-limited edition product on the Lush UK website. This means shampoo bars, gels, hair wax, soaps, face masks…the whole shebang. Lush do a great job labelling their products too, both online and in store, so you can see exactly what’s in your product and with the little ‘V’ logo, instantly know what is/isn’t vegan friendly.
With this service already already rolled out over in the states, what we do know already is that it will be completely customisable. Simply select your products on the website, click ‘Online Subscription’ and pick exactly what comes to your door and how often.

Exciting times! So when is this all happening? In the very cryptic near future…don’t worry, we’ll be keeping out eyes peeled and our water tank hot.



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This post was last modified on December 15, 2020 6:54 am


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